Real-Time Control With the Sparse Synchronous Model

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Team Information

Team Members

  • Stephen A. Edwards, Associate Professor, Computer Science Department, Columbia University


A colleague who does behavioral experiments on rats wanted a programming language to precisely describe his experiments so they could be reproduced by others.  Writing C code for experiments is extremely non-portable; he wanted a new language that would be.

We developed the Sparse Synchronous Model of computation, which provides concurrently running tasks that can block on variable updates and the ability to schedule future variable updates, all synchronized to a microcontroller's built-in timer, which can provide at least 1 us resolution.

Our runtime system is working and can run programs written in our toy language.  Ongoing work includes enhancing our language and compiler to make it more user-friendly and porting our runtime system to additional platforms.

Contact this Team

Team Contact: Stephen A. Edwards (use form to send email)


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